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Rural Storytelling
Thumbnail sorting task.   Indigenous Knowledge

Stories are the traditional way of communicating knowledge in African societies. Gereon Kapuire is a master student from a remote village in Hereroland in Namibia who is very concerned about the loss of traditional knowledge by his community when elders die without passing on their wealth of knowledge. With other colleagues we have been addressing the task of creating systems to capture and reflect this knowledge back to the community

An attempt to re-organise digital indigenous knowledge representations to merge local and technological paradigms;

Merging experiences and perspectives in the complexity of cross-cultural design.


Wireless Mesh Networks

Mesh Potato

The issue of cost of mobile calls leads to my current interest in wireless mesh networks based on the innovative Village Telco ideas using the Mesh Potato open hardware system, driven by Steve Song with help from the Shuttleworth Foundation. I do this jointly with my colleague Dr Hanh Le who is a networks expert (Investigation into Batman-adv protocol performance in an indoor mesh potato testbed).

We have also looked at data mules: Clustering between data mules for better message delivery