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ISAD did not have a very satisfactory conclusion. The Chair's conclusion did not contain an acceptance of the G7 principles. Instead there was the following statement [15]:

This historic conference accomplished its three primary objectives of:

Launching a dialogue between the developed and developing worlds and within the developing world on the emerging Global Information Society (GIS);

Initiating the process to define a shared vision for the GIS between the relevant societal sectors in the developed and developing countries;

Working towards ``Common Principles'' and ``Collaborative Actions'' to strengthen our shared vision and meet the challenges of the GIS;

The pilot projects proposed by the developing world got into a document entitled ``Chairperson's Views Concerning Ideas Emerging from the Fora Discussions on Global Information Society and Development Themes and Projects ISAD, May 1996'' [16]. The contorted title reflects well the contortions the G7 forced the negotiators into in making sure that no-one thought they had ever agreed to anything. Hence these are only the chairperson's views (that is, Mbeki's) on ideas ...

So it goes.

Thu Nov 28 13:03:56 SAT 1996