25th Febuary - Submitted by mikka23
With the mobile instant messaging application MXit opening it's messaging API giving developers the ability to create custom MXit clients it now becomes possible for developers to create custom applications and services fo MXit. However individuals with little to no technical expertise such as teachers who may benefit from from the ability to specify services for MXit are at a disadvantage when it comes to achieving this. This project aims to give teachers the ability to create custom clients which could offer services to MXit users through the design of an interface.
Aims and Goals
- Produce a web interface that facilitates the development of services and content for MXit by teachers
- Gain an understanding of the types of content teachers would place on MXit
- Design a usable interface following User Centered Design methodologies
- Produce an intermediary representation of the users specifications which could be used to produce a MXit client