Facial Comparison Visualization
Gives a clear representation of which ratios differ when comparing two faces and also by the amount by
hich they differ.
Generating the shape with all measurements emanating from a central point outwards allows the information
of each ratio to be easily processed while still having an overview of the entire space.
The shape does not provide exact values of the ratios but this is not need as we are only trying to
represent differences in certain components. The inclusion of numeric values on the visual would add
unnecessary complexity.
The shape of the visualisation will change depending on the order that the ratios appear in.
This however does not affect the ability to see differences between the two shapes. The ratios will always
appear in the same order so that there is consistency.
The comparison of ratios in the same face are more difficult to observe from this visualisation.
It is for this reason that we provided the second visualisation that focuses on a single face.
The shape is comprised of very sharp and jagged lines. This would be better off as curved lines
to make it more visually appealing, unfortunately time constraints meant we were unable to implement curves
Symmetry Comparison Visualization
There is concrete information being issued, actual feature distances are visualized
The viewer can instantly differentiate each side’s differences due to pattern recognition
of each side’s shape silhouette
Specific magnitude of feature difference available through the symmetry lines of different
colours and widths
Instinctive, simple to comprehend
The extent to which actual symmetry is displayed is unknown as vertical differences are
not taken into account
Reference to legend may be required for each visual query
Limited by accuracy of user pin-selection input