Query Walkthrough
I would like to view all the theories of Clara Oswin Oswald from Doctor Who.
Displaying all the possible series
The shows are arranged in a circle, alphabetically clockwise from the top.

Displaying the different Doctor Who theories
Clicking on the Doctor Who image the user will be able to see the different theories about from Doctor Who.

Focusing on a specific Doctor Who theory
The user now clicks on a specific theory, which is highlighted and relevant information is displayed. The user can the click again on this image and view all the Clara theories.

All the Clara theories
The user can now see all the Clara theories, which episodes give evidence for the different theories and all popular different theories are. Here lines represent pieces of evidence which link the source (an episode) to a target (the theory), and theories are differentiated by colour and texture.

Selecting a specific theory
To view a specific theory the user clicks on the image or the particular coloured lines and the theories are displayed, the episodes involved are highlighted and a box with the relevant information is displayed in the same colour as the theory. Theories that are not being viewed are faded out so that the theory being viewed is clearer to the user.

Selecting a specific piece of evidence
The user can then view a specific piece of evidence by either clicking on the episode or that specific line of evidence.

Selecting a another theory
The user can then select another theory