Initial Ideas
Our initial prototypes looked at how to display different theories in relation to the episodes which provide evidence for these theories. We tried to find ways to show that the evidence comes from a few different episodes and that theories can develop over the course of a season. We also looked at possible ways in which one theory can branch off into a few theories and how we could incorporate images into the theories. We also tried to find ways of displaying different theories from a TV series that weren’t related. Here colour was important as well as highlighting which episodes were relevant to the different theories.
Prototype 1: This prototype intends to display different Clara theories over the Doctor Who season. It uses different colours for different theories, and images to represent different theories. It also shows how theories can split.

Prototype 2: This prototype tries to display a general view of different theories from Doctor Who during a season.

Prototype 3: This image also tries to display different theories from Doctor Who during a season. With the word bubbles being more information about the specific theory.