Michelle Kuttel


CSC4000W Visual Thinking and Visualization - past projects

Selected visualization projects from previous years

  Title Group
FanTheories Image FanTheories 2013 - Amber Goldberg, Aurelia Drummer, Bee Sharwood
Football Football Visualizations 2013- Jason Bissict, Robbie Fraser and Andrew Pettey
mallMap MALL MAP VISUALIZATION 2013- Nina Ostweleng, Dorothy Mhlanga and Thabo Ndlovu
5D 5D Astronomical Visualization 2013 - Benna Hugo, Brandon Talbot and Heinrich Strauss
Facio 2013- Grant van Helsdingen, Laurent Daniels, Dane Mackier
FanTheories Image UCT Map 2014- Nabeelah Harris, Victor Soudien and Zahraa Mathews