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@inproceedings{1989-china, mytype = {Other}, author = {Kuijk, A. A. M. and Blake, E. H.}, title = {Faster {Phong} shading via angular interpolation}, booktitle = {Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Aided Design and Computer Graphics}, year = {1989}, pages = {35-41}, location = {Beijing, China}, publisher = {International Academic Publishers}, month = {Aug 10-12} }
@techreport{1989-faster-phong-rep, mytype = {Other}, author = {Kuijk, A. A. M. and Blake, E. H.}, title = {Faster {Phong} shading via angular interpolation}, institution = {Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica--{\sf CWI}}, year = {1989}, number = {CS-R8909}, address = {Amsterdam} }
@article{1989-review-hegron, mytype = {Other}, author = {E. H. Blake}, title = {Review of ``{I}mage Synthesis - Elementary Algorithms'' by {G. H\'{e}gron}}, journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, year = {1989}, volume = {8}, pages = {359} }
@techreport{1990-intro-rep, mytype = {Other}, author = {Blake, E. H.}, title = {Introduction to Aspects of Object Oriented Graphics}, institution = {Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica---{\sf CWI}}, year = {1990}, number = {CS-R9009}, address = {Amsterdam} }
@techreport{1992-architecture-rep, mytype = {Other}, myurl = {1992-architecture-rep.pdf}, author = {A. A. M. Kuijk and E. H. Blake and ten Hagen, P. J. W.}, title = {An architecture for interactive raster graphics}, institution = {Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica---{\sf CWI}}, year = {1992}, number = {CS-R9229}, address = {Amsterdam} }
@techreport{1992-ffast-rep, mytype = {Other}, myurl = {1992-ffast-rep.pdf}, author = {E. H. Blake and V. C. J. Disselkoen and A. A. M. Kuijk}, title = {Faster {Phong} Shading}, institution = {Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica---{\sf CWI}}, year = {1992}, number = {CS-R9228} }
@techreport{1992-xinposse-rep, mytype = {Other}, myurl = {1992-xinposse-rep.pdf}, author = {Guravage, M. A. and Blake, E. H. and Kuijk, A. A. M.}, title = {{XInPosse}: Structural simulation for graphics hardware}, institution = {Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica---{\sf CWI}}, year = {1992}, number = {CS-R9208}, address = {Amsterdam} }
@inproceedings{1994-hardware, mytype = {Other}, myurl = {1994-hardware.pdf}, author = {Kuijk, A. A. M. and Blake, E. H. and Steffens, E. H.}, title = {Experience with a Difference Engine for Graphics}, booktitle = {Ninth Eurographics Workshop on Graphics Hardware}, editor = {Wolfgang Stra{\ss}er}, year = {1994}, pages = {36-47}, organization = {Eurographics}, address = {SINTEF, Oslo, Norway}, month = {September 12-13} }
@unpublished{1994-hci, mytype = {Other}, author = {E. H. Blake and D. H. Cook}, title = {Notes on Human-Computer Interaction}, note = {Course Notes for Computer Science Third Year Module on Human-Computer Interaction. University of Cape Town. 56pp}, year = {1994}, month = {March} }
@book{1994-policy, mytype = {Other}, myurl = {1994-policy.pdf}, author = {George F. R. Ellis}, title = {Science Research Policy in {South} {Africa}}, publisher = {The Royal Society of South Africa}, year = {1994}, url = {http://www.mth.uct.ac.za/~ellis/scipol.pdf}, note = {A Discussion Document. E.\ Blake cited as contributor (Section on Computer Science)} }
@inproceedings{1995-ewppg-5, mytype = {Other}, myurl = {1995-ewppg-5.pdf}, author = {Edwin H. Blake and Henk A. Goosen}, title = {The ``No-Paradigm'' Programming Paradigm for Information Visualization}, editor = {Remco C. Veltkamp and Edwin H. Blake}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the fifth Eurographics Workshop on Programming Paradigms in Graphics}, year = {1995}, organization = {Eurographics}, publisher = {CWI, Amsterdam}, month = {September 2-3}, isbn = {90-6196-458-X} }
@article{1996-engnews, mytype = {Other}, author = {Jacqui Steven}, title = {Information Technology: The problems of adapting to accelerating change}, journal = {Martin Creamer's Engineering News}, month = {August 8}, year = {1996}, pages = {31}, note = {Interview by journalist} }
@book{1996-isad-pilot, mytype = {Other}, author = {NITF}, title = {Proposed {S}outh {A}frican Pilot Projects}, publisher = {Department of Arts, Culture, Science and Technology}, year = {1996}, note = {South African position paper at the G7 Information Society and Development Conference, Gallagher Estates, Midrand, 13-15 May 1996.\\ Author of proposal for project of Centres of Excellence --- 1 of the 5 pilot projects} }
@techreport{1997-2vs3wavelets, mytype = {Other}, myurl = {1997-2vs3wavelets.pdf}, author = {Marais, P. C. and Blake, E. H. and Kuijk, A. A. M.}, title = {Quadratic vs Cubic Spline-Wavelets for Image Representation and Compression}, institution = {Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica---{\sf CWI}}, year = {1997}, number = {PNA-R9717}, month = {November}, address = {Amsterdam}, url = {http://ftp.cwi.nl/CWIreports/PNA/PNA-R9717.pdf}, issn = {1386-3711} }
@techreport{1997-uurep, mytype = {Other}, myurl = {1997-uurep.pdf}, author = {Richard H. M. C. Kelleners and Remco C. Veltkamp and Edwin H. Blake}, title = {Constraints on Objects, Conceptual Model and Implementation}, institution = {Utrecht University}, year = {1997}, number = {RUU-CS-97-11}, month = {May} }
@inproceedings{1998-hunt-gath, mytype = {Other}, myurl = {1998-hunt-gath.pdf}, author = {Louis Liebenberg and Edwin Blake and Lindsay Steventon and Karel Benadie and James Minye}, title = {Integrating Traditional Knowledge with Computer Science for the Conservation of Biodiversity}, booktitle = {8th International Conference on Hunting and Gathering Societies Foraging and Post-Foraging Societies: History, Politics, and Future}, year = {1998}, url = {http://www.cybertracker.co.za/IntegratingKnowledge.html}, note = {Osaka, 26 - 30 October 1998} }
@techreport{1998-mason, mytype = {Other}, myurl = {1998-mason.pdf}, author = {Ashton E. W. Mason and Edwin H. Blake}, title = {A Graphical Representation of the State Spaces of Hierarchical Level of Detail Scene Descriptions}, institution = {University of Cape Town, Department of Computer Science}, year = {1998}, number = {CS98-09-01}, annote = {We present a new method for representating the state spaces of hierarchical level of detail descriptions, or scene descriptions with multiple hierarchical levels of detail. This representation, called a level of detail graph, permits the investigation and exploration of the state spaces of non-hierarchical and hierarchical level of detail optimization algorithms. We present algorithms for generating the level of detail graph representations of arbitrary level of detail descriptions. As an example of the use of level of detail graph representations we demonstrate the equivalence of two published level of detail optimization algorithms whose equivalence was previously stated without proof.} }
@article{1998-newscientist, mytype = {Other}, myurl = {1998-newscientist.pdf}, author = {Laura Spinney}, title = {Keeping track}, journal = {New Scientist}, month = {31 October}, year = {1998}, pages = {25}, number = {2158}, url = {http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=mg16021583.600}, note = {This article highlights the development of the Cyber Tracker system that recently won a Rolex Award for Enterprise. Edwin Blake and UCT are mentioned explicitly.} }
@inproceedings{1998-satnac-vis, mytype = {Other}, myurl = {1998-satnac-vis.pdf}, author = {Oliver Saal and Jinsong Feng and A. E. Krzesinski and E. H. Blake}, title = {Visualization of {ATM} Network Connectivity and Topology}, pages = {71-78}, booktitle = {SATNAC 98: 1st Annual South African Telecommunications, Networks and Applications Conference}, year = {1998}, note = {7th to 10th September 1998, Cape Town} }
@inproceedings{1998-satnac-vr, mytype = {Other}, myurl = {1998-satnac-vr.pdf}, author = {Juan Casanueva and Edwin Blake}, title = {Presence in a Distributed Virtual Environment for Cooperative Visualization}, pages = {510-517}, booktitle = {SATNAC 98: 1st Annual South African Telecommunications, Networks and Applications Conference}, year = {1998}, note = {7th to 10th September 1998, Cape Town} }
@inproceedings{1999-SATNAC-ATM, mytype = {Other}, author = {Jinsong Feng and A. E. Krzesinski and E. H. Blake}, title = {A management tool for {ATM} virtual path connection networks}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd South African Telecommunications, Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC'99)}, year = {1999}, month = {September}, address = {Durban, South Africa} }
@inproceedings{1999-SATNAC-copres, mytype = {Other}, author = {J. Casanueva and E. H. Blake}, title = {Presence and co-presence in collaborative virtual environments}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd South African Telecommunications, Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC'99)}, year = {1999}, month = {September}, pages = {120-125}, address = {Durban, South Africa} }
@inproceedings{1999-SATNAC-face, mytype = {Other}, myurl = {1999-SATNAC-face.pdf}, author = {D. Burford and E. H. Blake}, title = {Real-time facial animation for avatars in collaborative virtual environments}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd South African Telecommunications, Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC'99)}, year = {1999}, month = {September}, pages = {178-183}, address = {Durban, South Africa} }
@inproceedings{1999-SATNAC-presence, mytype = {Other}, myurl = {1999-SATNAC-presence.pdf}, author = {C. Johns and D. Sellars and M. Daya and J. Casanueva and E. H. Blake}, title = {The effects of presence on small group collaboration in a collaborative virtual environment}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd South African Telecommunications, Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC'99)}, year = {1999}, pages = {126-131}, month = {September}, address = {Durban, South Africa} }
@inproceedings{1999-SATNAC-visual-atm, mytype = {Other}, author = {Oliver Saal and A. E. Krzesinski and E. H. Blake}, title = {Visualization of {ATM} network connectivity and topology}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd South African Telecommunications, Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC'99)}, year = {1999}, month = {September}, address = {Durban, South Africa} }
@techreport{1999-mason, mytype = {Other}, myurl = {1999-mason.pdf}, author = {Ashton E. W. Mason and Edwin H. Blake}, title = {A Predictive Incremental Hierarchical Level of Detail Optimization Algorithm}, institution = {University of Cape Town, Department of Computer Science}, year = {1999}, number = {CS99-04-00}, note = {This report is similar to the Eurographics (Computer Graphics Forum) paper \cite{1997-eg} but corrects an important error in the published paper, so should be preferred}, annote = {We present a new hierarchical level of detail optimization algorithm that is predictive and so may be used for active frame rate control. We base our approach on earlier work demonstrating the equivalence of level of detail optimization to the Multiple Choice Knapsack Problem (MCKP). We show that this equivalence is broken for hierarchical level of detail scene descriptions in which shared representations may be provided for groups of objects, and that the level of detail optimization problem for such descriptions is equivalent to a generalization of the MCKP which we call the Hierarchical MCKP. We present a greedy approximation algorithm for this Hierarchical MCKP whose solution we prove is guaranteed to be at least half-optimal for a useful subproblem in which more expensive selections provide diminishing returns. Furthermore we show that the typical behaviour of the algorithm is much better than half-optimal and that the instances in which it is not are relatively rare. The level of detail optimization algorithm we present is an incremental version of this greedy algorithm designed to exploit frame-to-frame coherence by basing its initial solution on the solution found for the previous frame. We prove the equivalence of the two algorithms by considering their state spaces and showing that both reach the same solution state.} }
@article{1999-time, mytype = {Other}, author = {Peter Hawthorne}, title = {Keeping Track of a Dying Art}, journal = {Time}, year = {1999}, volume = {154}, number = {15}, pages = {50}, month = {October 11}, note = {Article in Special Report on the Communications Revolution. Deals with the CyberTracker project and mentions that the system was developed ``in collaboration with'' the Department of Computer Science at the University of Cape Town.} }
@inproceedings{2000-SATNAC-ATMmetaphor, mytype = {Other}, myurl = {2000-SATNAC-ATMmetaphor.pdf}, author = {O. Saal and E. H. Blake and A.E. Krzesinski}, title = {Engineering Effective Visual Metaphors for {ATM} Management Applications}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd South African Telecommunications, Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC'00)}, year = {2000}, month = {September}, address = {Stellenbosch, South Africa}, isbn = {0-620-26494}, annote = {Also CS Dept Technical Report CS00-14-00} }
@inproceedings{2000-SATNAC-ATMpath, mytype = {Other}, myurl = {2000-SATNAC-ATMpath.pdf}, author = {J. Feng and E.H. Blake}, title = {Visualization of {ATM} virtual path connection networks}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd South African Telecommunications, Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC'00)}, year = {2000}, month = {September}, address = {Stellenbosch, South Africa}, isbn = {0-620-26494} }
@inproceedings{2000-SATNAC-face, mytype = {Other}, myurl = {2000-SATNAC-face.pdf}, author = {Dennis Burford and Edwin Blake}, title = {Real-Time Facial Animation for Avatars in Collaborative Virtual Environments}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd South African Telecommunications, Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC'00)}, year = {2000}, month = {September}, address = {Stellenbosch, South Africa}, isbn = {0-620-26494} }
@inproceedings{2000-SATNAC-gems, mytype = {Other}, myurl = {2000-SATNAC-gems.pdf}, author = {Richard Southern and Edwin Blake and Patrick Marais}, title = {{GeMS}: A generic implementation for memoryless polygonal simplification}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd South African Telecommunications, Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC'00)}, year = {2000}, month = {September}, address = {Stellenbosch, South Africa}, isbn = {0-620-26494} }
@inproceedings{2000-SATNAC-groupex, mytype = {Other}, myurl = {2000-SATNAC-groupex.pdf}, author = {Juan Casanueva and Edwin Blake}, title = {Small Group Experiments in Collaborative Virtual Environments}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd South African Telecommunications, Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC'00)}, year = {2000}, month = {September}, address = {Stellenbosch, South Africa}, isbn = {0-620-26494} }
@techreport{2000-Southern, mytype = {Other}, myurl = {2000-Southern.pdf}, author = {Richard Southern and Patrick Marais and Edwin H. Blake}, title = {Wavelets for Multi-resolution Analysis of Triangular Surface Meshes}, institution = {University of Cape Town, Department of Computer Science}, year = {2000}, number = {CS00-11-00}, annote = {The application of Wavelets to the Multi-resolution Analysis of surfaces provides an elegant, mathematically rigorous framework for the implementation of subdivision surfaces. We present a method similar to [Lou95] for multiresolution analysis of surfaces with subdivision connectivity. However, due to error incurred during surface remeshing (as with [EDD 95, LSS 98]) we find Wavelets an unsuitable technique for feature preservation during surface compression.}, documenturl = {http://pubs.cs.uct.ac.za/archive/00000286/} }
@techreport{2000-casanueva, mytype = {Other}, myurl = {2000-casanueva.pdf}, author = {Juan Casanueva and Edwin Blake}, title = {Presence in a Distributed Virtual Environment}, institution = {University of Cape Town, Department of Computer Science}, year = {2000}, number = {CS00-05-00}, annote = {Collaborative Virtual Environments (CVEs) involve the use of a distributed architecture, and advanced interactive user interfaces to create a `shared' sense of space where users located in different physical locations can interact. An important objective is to provide users with an illusion that the machine mediated experience is not mediated. The extent of this illusion is measured by the sense of `presence' experienced. We explore `shared presence' in a Cooperative Virtual Environment, that is providing the participants with a sense of presence of others in the environment, thus having a feeling that they are directly cooperating with real people. We describe our prototype system for a `non-immersive' distributed virtual environment. We provide preliminary results on factors which increase the sense of `shared presence' in a virtual environment. These include the use of avatars to represent the participants, providing simple communication and interaction with the environment. Our prototype has served as a good basis for our future work towards shared presence by highlighting areas that require attention, (such as providing communicative behaviour to avatars) and indicating good prospects such as the importance of how one represents the avatars.}, documenturl = {http://pubs.cs.uct.ac.za/archive/00000270/} }
@techreport{2000-casanueva-b, mytype = {Other}, myurl = {2000-casanueva-b.pdf}, author = {Juan Casanueva and Edwin Blake}, title = {Presence and Co-Presence in Collaborative Virtual Environments}, institution = {University of Cape Town, Department of Computer Science}, year = {2000}, number = {CS00-06-00}, annote = {Collaborative Virtual Environments (CVEs) involve the use of a distributed architecture, and advanced interactive user interfaces to create a shared sense of space where users located in different physical locations can interact. In this paper, we describe two experimental designs which use subjective evaluation methods to asses personal presence and co-presence in a CVE. Personal presence is having a feeling of ``being there'' in the CVE yourself. Co-presence is having a feeling that one is in the same place as the other participants, and that one is collaborating with real people. The first experiment investigates the effects of avatar appearance and functionality (gestures and facial expressions) on presence and co-presence in a CVE. The second experiment investigates the effects of small group collaboration on co-presence in a CVE}, documenturl = {http://pubs.cs.uct.ac.za/archive/00000271/} }
@techreport{2000-casanueva-c, mytype = {Other}, myurl = {2000-casanueva-c.pdf}, author = {Juan Casanueva and Edwin Blake}, title = {The Effects of Group Collaboration on Presence in a Collaborative Virtual Environment}, institution = {University of Cape Town, Department of Computer Science}, year = {2000}, number = {CS00-07-00}, annote = {Presence in Collaborative Virtual Environments (CVEs) can be classified into personal presence and co-presence. Personal presence is having a feeling of ``being there'' in the CVE yourself. Co-presence is having a feeling that one is in the same place as the other participants, and that one is collaborating with real people. In this paper we describe an experiment used to investigate the effects that small group collaboration and interaction has on personal presence and specially co-presence in a CVE. We hypothesise that collaboration and interaction enhances co-presence in a CVE. We found that there was a large difference in co-presence between two CVEs which produced different levels of collaboration and interaction. This supports our hypotheses that just having virtual representations of others is not sufficient to create a high sense of co-presence, and that one needs collaboration and interaction in order to enhance co-presence in a CVE. We measured personal presence subjectively, using a questionnaire developed by Slater et al. We have developed a co-presence questionnaire which assesses the levels of co-presence subjectively. We have also developed a collaboration questionnaire which measures group collaboration subjectively, as well as the degree of enjoyment and comfort with others in the group.}, documenturl = {http://pubs.cs.uct.ac.za/archive/00000285/} }
@techreport{2000-saal, mytype = {Other}, myurl = {2000-saal.pdf}, author = {Oliver Saal and Edwin H. Blake}, title = {Visualisation of ATM network connectivity and topology}, institution = {University of Cape Town, Department of Computer Science}, year = {2000}, number = {CS00-13-00}, annote = {We have visualised ATM network connectivity with respect to traffic service classes and the logical and the physical structure of the network. We are developing a tool to display information specific to how an ATM network can alter its virtual path connection network (VPCN) as well as providing a list of visual metaphors to convey this information in a compact view. Our intention is to provide administrators and researchers with a concise display of the changes in the virtual structure of an ATM network.}, documenturl = {http://pubs.cs.uct.ac.za/archive/00000287/} }
@techreport{2001-aggressive, mytype = {Other}, myurl = {2001-aggressive.pdf}, author = {Shaun Nirenstein and James Gain and Edwin Blake}, title = {Aggressive Visibility Pre-processing with Adaptive Sampling}, institution = {University of Cape Town, Department of Computer Science}, year = {2001}, number = {CS01-01-00}, annote = {At the expense of a small error in visibility classification, we remove all invisible polygons. Thresholding and heuristics allows fine control over the behaviour of this error. Our technique is applicable to both concave and convex polygons. It exhibits sublinear computational complexity in the number of scene polygons and logarithmic complexity in the number of cells, while effectively exploiting graphics hardware. The technique is classified as an aggressive from-region method in that it falsely excludes a small subset of visible polygons and estimates visibility on a per cell basis. A kd-tree hierarchy of visibility cells is built by sampling visibility across their surfaces adaptively. Sampling is guided by a novel error heuristic and produces, by adaptive sub-division, a quad-tree like structure. We have applied our technique to both a standard building scenes and a highly complex natural scene. The results demonstrate that significant culling (94.5\% average) with low error rates (0.687\% average) can be achieved with such scenes in a reasonable period of time.} }
@techreport{2001-burford, myurl = {2001-burford.pdf}, author = {Dennis Burford and Edwin H. Blake}, title = {Face-to-Face Implies No Interface}, institution = {University of Cape Town, Department of Computer Science}, year = 2001, mytype = {Other}, number = {CS01-15-00}, annote = {It is important to design user interfaces that are intuitive and "natural" to use. This is especially true when computers mediate communication and interaction between people. Collaborative virtual environments (CVEs) encourage just this type of direct interaction. Because facial expressions are essential to face-to-face communication, we believe facial animation for avatars is important to virtual communications of this sort. We present a system for real-time expression tracking and facial animation using facial markers, low-cost cameras and PCs. We have tested our system with live video input and animated three different types of faces, including a 3-D muscle model.} }
@techreport{2001-mapstr, mytype = {Other}, myurl = {2001-maps.pdf}, author = {Cathryn Johns and Edwin H. Blake}, title = {Cognitive Maps: Facilitation of Learning Through the Use of Innate Spatial Abilities}, institution = {University of Cape Town, Department of Computer Science}, year = {2001}, number = {CS01-04-00}, annote = {See Afrigraph 2001 publication with similar title} }
@techreport{2001-memoryless, mytype = {Other}, myurl = {2001-memoryless.pdf}, author = {Richard Southern and Patrick Marais and Edwin H. Blake}, title = {Evaluation of Memoryless Simplification}, institution = {University of Cape Town, Department of Computer Science}, year = {2001}, number = {CS01-18-00} }
@inproceedings{2002-art, mytype = {Other}, myurl = {2002-art.pdf}, author = {Gary Marsden and Katherine Malan and Edwin Blake}, title = {Using digital technology to access and store {A}frican art}, booktitle = {CHI '02 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems}, pages = {528--529}, year = 2002, address = {Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/506443.506464} }
@inproceedings{2002-blake, mytype = {Other}, myurl = {2002-blake.pdf}, author = {Edwin Blake}, title = {Extended Abstract: a field computer for animal trackers}, booktitle = {CHI '02 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems}, pages = {532-533}, year = {2002}, address = {Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/506443.506466}, isbn = {1-58113-454-1} }
@techreport{2002-hons-paper, mytype = {Other}, myurl = {2002-hons-paper.pdf}, author = {Sarah Brown and Ilda Ladeira and Cara Winterbottom and Edwin H. Blake}, title = {An Investigation on the Effects of Mediation in a Storytelling Virtual Environment}, institution = {Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town}, year = {2002}, number = {CS02-08-00}, annote = {This paper presents a study that explores the use of mediation in virtual environments (VEs) used for cultural storytelling. A VE was created in which a traditional San story was told. Two forms of mediation were used: visual mediation and audio mediation. Four versions of the VE were implemented, differentiated by the type and amount of mediation included. 77 subjects were tested, each experiencing only one of the versions. Measurements of presence, story involvement and enjoyment of each user were taken. A factorial analysis of variance, with a between-subjects design was used. Audio mediation was found to have an effect on presence(F = 138.8, p < 0.002). Visual mediation was found to increase story involvement (F = 9.49, p < 0.003). Both the interaction between the mediations, and audio mediation increased enjoyment (F = 5.87, p < 0.02 and F = 4.01, p < 0.05 respectively). Therefore, the use of subtle mediation that appears natural in the VE setting was shown to be effective. The effects of audio mediation on presence suggests that it is an important addition to any VE. And, in the context of virtual storytelling, visual mediation is valuable in conveying a narrative more successfully}, documenturl = {http://pubs.cs.uct.ac.za/archive/00000145/} }
@inproceedings{2002-lewis, mytype = {Other}, myurl = {2002-lewis.pdf}, author = {John A. Lewis and William D. Tucker and Edwin H. Blake}, year = 2002, title = {{SoftBridge}: An Architecture for building {IP}-Based Bridges over the Digital Divide}, booktitle = {Proceedings of South African Telecommunications and Networking Application Conference (SATNAC 2002)}, publisher = {CD ROM Publication}, pages = {18}, organization = {SATNAC, Telkom}, month = {1-4, September}, address = {Champagne Sports Resort, KwaZulu-Natal}, keywords = {Bridging, Text To Speech, Automatic Speech Recognition, IP Telephony, Voice over IP, Collaboration, Instant Messaging}, documenturl = {http://pubs.cs.uct.ac.za/archive/00000050/}, annote = {Users and computing equipment have varying capabilities that include the abilities to exchange test, audio and engage in high bandwith communication. As the technological options increase, effective communication between the different media has to be able to bridge across these options: the bridges have to take into account network quality, end-user equipment capabilities as well as user capabilities and preferences. Our research proposes a SoftBridge, an abstracted communications platform for the construction of applications across the disparate capabilities found in various Digital Divides. We outline the architecture and the requirements that the SoftBridge has to fulfill. An approach and some initial work is described.} }
@techreport{2002-schemata, mytype = {Other}, myurl = {2002-schemata.pdf}, author = {David Nunez and Edwin Blake}, title = {The interaction of schemata activation and stimulus quality as a determinant of presence in virtual environments}, institution = {University of Cape Town, Department of Computer Science}, year = {2002}, number = {CS02-23-00}, annote = {Many presence studies show the importance of display variables in determining presence. However, very little empirical evidence exists to support psychological determinants of presence. We argue from a cognitive presence perspective that presence can be considered as an extension of perception, a process which is known to be significantly affected by the perceiver's mental state. We support our argument by presenting the results of a large study (n=103) in which users were conceptually primed by reading a booklet either related to or unrelated to a VE and then were left to explore that VE with either a high quality or low quality display. We found a significant interaction effect between display quality and priming, showing that the mental state of the user sets a context which affects their experience of presence as measured using two scales. We conclude that, like perception, presence does not simply occur as a consequence of sensory input only, but that it is a constructive process in which the VE user creates an experience using both sensory and psychological inputs.} }
@inproceedings{2003-chetty, mytype = {Other}, myurl = {2003-chetty.pdf}, author = {Marshini Chetty and William D. Tucker and Edwin H. Blake}, title = {Using Voice over {IP} to Bridge the Digital Divide --- A Critical Action Research Approach}, booktitle = {Proceedings of South African Telecommunications and Networking Application Conference (SATNAC 2003)}, year = {2003}, organization = {SATNAC, Telkom}, publisher = {CD ROM Publication,}, isbn = {0-620-30949-0}, documenturl = {http://pubs.cs.uct.ac.za/archive/00000051/}, annote = {There is a great disparity between those who have access to Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and those that do not. This phenomenon forms part of the \emph{Digital Divide}. Many ICTs may be used to help overcome this divide if they are applied in a useful way, providing locally applicable content and services. Critical Action Research (CAR) is an approach used to develop such applications. CAR aims to empower people by involving them in the development process. Using CAR, this project investigates how Voice over IP (VoIP) may be applied in a productive way in an underserviced community. VoIP is an ICT used for sending voice over packet switched networks using Internet Protocol. It can be used to integrate data and voice to produce multimedia applications. In South Africa (SA), VoIP may only be provided by Telkom, the Second National Operator and the Under-Serviced Area Licensees. Using CAR and VoIP, an application is being developed to service a specific need of a particular rural community. The application will either provide a service to a small rural business or aid the provision of healthcare in rural areas. The project evaluates how well CAR integrates with a normal Software Development Lifecycle and makes policy recommendations for the use of VoIP in rural SA.} }
@inproceedings{2003-lewis, mytype = {Other}, myurl = {2003-lewis.pdf}, author = {John A. Lewis and William D. Tucker and Edwin H. Blake}, title = {{SoftBridge}: A Multimodal Instant Messaging Bridging System}, booktitle = {Proceedings of South African Telecommunications and Networking Application Conference (SATNAC 2003)}, year = {2003}, organization = {SATNAC, Telkom}, publisher = {CD ROM Publication,}, isbn = {0-620-30949-0}, documenturl = {http://pubs.cs.uct.ac.za/archive/00000052/}, annote = {Instant Messaging is traditionally a text only affair. However, there are instances when it would be useful to bridge to other types of media, like speech. The SoftBridge is an application framework that enables this kind of communications bridging using instant messages. Its use of protocols like the Jabber Instant Messaging Protocol and the Simple Object Access Protocol makes it simple, open and extensible. It also allows bridging to non IP communications infrastructure, like the telephone network. We describe the design and architecture of the system, protocol and extensibility mechanism. Finally we describe our experimental methodology and discuss the results of our initial experiments.} }
@techreport{2003-lewis-b, author = {John A. Lewis and William D. Tucker and Edwin H. Blake}, title = {A Multimodal Instant Messaging System using XML-Based Protocols}, institution = {Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town}, year = {2003}, mytype = {Other}, number = {CS03-08-00}, annote = {Instant Messaging is traditionally a text only affair. However, there are instances when it would be useful to bridge to other types of media, like speech. The SoftBridge is an application framework that enables this kind of communications bridging using instant messages. Its use of protocols like the Jabber Instant Messaging Protocol and the Simple Object Access Protocol makes it simple, open and extensible. It also allows bridging to non IP communications infrastructure, like the telephone network. We describe the design and architecture of the system, protocol and extensibility mechanism. Finally we describe our experimental methodology and discuss the results of two sets of experiments: those involving a {D}eaf User, and those involving a set of Simulated Users.}, documenturl = {http://pubs.cs.uct.ac.za/archive/00000034/} }
@techreport{2003-low-cost-vr, author = {Edwin H. Blake and Kuo-Chen Fang and Fu-Yao Feng and Ka Man Wai}, title = {Low-Cost Virtual Reality System - PC Driven System}, institution = {Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town}, year = {2003}, mytype = {Other}, number = {CS03-17-00}, documenturl = {http://pubs.cs.uct.ac.za/archive/00000071/}, annote = {The concept of Virtual Reality has been around since early 1960s, but the availability and development of Virtual Reality systems were largely limited due to its nature of high cost and difficulty in maintenance. Until recently, thanks to the fast development of the modern technology, the idea of building Virtual Reality system using commodity-off-the-shelf hardware became feasible. By using Personal Computers, we have in this project developed a Low-Cost Distributed Virtual Reality system that is much cheaper, easier to maintain and mobile. In this project, the design of stereo vision, corner projection and distributed architecture had been discussed and applied in the implementation of the Virtual Reality system. User experiment had been conducted. The aim of the user experiment is to test the system for presence level, Slater, Usoh and Steed (SUS) questionnaire was used as an indication to the level of presence. Furthermore, network performance related to scene complexities were also evaluated. From these experiment, we have found that the Virtual Reality system developed creates a good level of presence to the participants and scene complexity would influence the roundtrip time of the network. Lastly, this paper concludes by discussing why the Low-Cost Virtual Reality system developed to be an effective Virtual Reality system.} }
@techreport{2003-maclay, author = {Maclay, David and Edwin Blake}, title = {The Use of Optic Flow in the Painterly Rendering of Animated Models.}, institution = {Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town}, year = {2003}, mytype = {Other}, number = {CS03-07-00}, annote = {Image based painterly rendering has always had difficulty enforcing frame-to-frame continuity in animations. This paper lays out an approach that uses a form of optic flow to ensure continuity in the painterly rendering of 3D models characteristic of virtual environments. The proposed technique will be used to emulate the rock painting style of the San people of southern Africa.}, documenturl = {http://pubs.cs.uct.ac.za/archive/00000037/} }
@article{2003-tucker, mytype = {Other}, myurl = {2003-tucker.pdf}, author = {William Tucker and Edwin Blake and Meryl Glaser}, title = {Building Bridges for {D}eaf Telephony in {S}outh {A}frica: A community centred approach}, journal = {Information Technology in Developing Countries}, year = {2003}, volume = {13}, number = {2}, month = {November}, url = {http://iimahd.ernet.in/egov/ifip/nov2003/article1.htm} }
@inproceedings{2004-chetty-a, mytype = {Other}, myurl = {2004-chetty-a.pdf}, author = {Marshini Chetty and William D. Tucker and Edwin H. Blake}, title = {Telemedicine in the {E}astern {C}ape using {VoIP} combined with a Store and Forward Approach}, booktitle = {Proceedings of South African Telecommunications and Networking Application Conference (SATNAC 2004)}, year = {2004}, organization = {SATNAC, Telkom}, publisher = {CD ROM Publication,}, isbn = {0-620-30949-0}, documenturl = {http://pubs.cs.uct.ac.za/archive/00000202/}, annote = {Rural areas in South Africa have unique conditions such as remoteness and scarcity of reliable public facilities. Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) introduced into these areas must be suitable for these conditions. Using a user-centred design approach based on Participatory Design and Action Research, we have developed a telemedicine application for a rural village in the Eastern Cape. This paper describes how we determined the requirements and design for the application and why we chose Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) combined with a store and forward approach to achieve our telemedicine goals. We present an overview of the methodology we are using, describe the software application we have developed and mention several challenges we have faced to date. Finally we conclude that VoIP and store and forward technologies are appropriate to the South African rural situation.} }
@inproceedings{2004-coetzee-a, mytype = {Other}, author = {Mignon Coetzee and Sabeeha Hamza and Edwin Blake and David Nunez}, title = {A Low Cost {VR} Group Support System for People Living with {HIV}}, booktitle = {CyberTherapy 2004}, year = {2004}, month = {January 10-12}, address = {San Diego, California} }
@article{2004-coetzee-b, mytype = {Other}, myurl = {2004-coetzee-b.pdf}, author = {Mignon Coetzee and Sabeeha Hamza and Edwin Blake and David Nunez}, title = {A Low Cost {VR} Group Support System for People Living with {HIV}}, journal = {Cyberpsychology \& Behavior}, year = {2004}, volume = {7}, number = {3}, pages = {276-277}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1089/1094931041291330}, note = {Cybertherapy 2004 Abstracts} }
@inproceedings{2004-tucker, mytype = {Other}, myurl = {2004-tucker.pdf}, author = {William D. Tucker and Edwin H. Blake and Gary Marsden}, title = {Open {U}ser {I}nterconnect and Quality of Communication}, booktitle = {Proceedings of South African Telecommunications and Networking Application Conference (SATNAC 2004)}, year = {2004}, organization = {SATNAC, Telkom}, publisher = {CD ROM Publication,}, isbn = {0-620-30949-0} }
@inproceedings{2006-blake-c, mytype = {Other}, myurl = {2006-blake-c.pdf}, author = {Edwin Blake}, title = {Software Engineering for Development. A Position Statement}, booktitle = {SACLA 2006}, year = {2006}, note = {CD proceedings:}, isbn = {0-620-36151-4}, documenturl = {http://pubs.cs.uct.ac.za/archive/00000380/}, annote = {There is little work on targeted methodologies to develop IT applications and content in a developing world environment. This paper argues for a methodology called Socially Aware Software Engineering that we are busy formulating based on firsthand experience building Information and Communication Technology solutions. Our method is based on a classical user-centred approach from Human Computer Interaction combined with aspects of Participatory Design and cyclical software engineering practises. These approaches are wrapped into an iterative Action Research paradigm in order to directly include the community-based users of our systems. I conclude with suggestions on changing the nature of tertiary curricula in developing countries in a way that integrates this socially aware software engineering methodology.} }
@techreport{2006-winterbottom-b, author = {Cara Winterbottom and James Gain and Edwin Blake}, title = {Experiences in Designing a User-Oriented Tool for Building and Understanding Interactions in Virtual Environments}, institution = {Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town}, year = 2006, mytype = {Other}, number = {CS06-03-00}, documenturl = {http://pubs.cs.uct.ac.za/archive/00000314/}, annote = {Designing a virtual environment and its interactions is a difficult task because of the complexity of specifying non-deterministic relationships between multiple objects. We present a system to help novice designers create interactions in a virtual environment. Our system uses triggersets (event-condition-action triads) for entering interactions. It provides multiple visualizations of the virtual environment and its interactions: a sequence diagram for narrative sequencing, a floorplan for spatial sequencing and a timeline for time sequencing. We conducted an exploratory study with 11 subjects, where some received visualizations and triggersets of a VE and others only received the triggersets. The study had two parts: to assess whether subjects could sequence triggersets accurately and to assess how they managed to debug mistakes in a different set of triggersets. The visualization group described 72.5\% of the sequence correct on average, compared to 56.4\% by the non-visualization group. For debugging, the visualization group detected more than twice as many errors as the non-visualization group.} }
@inproceedings{2007-SATNAC, mytype = {Other}, myurl = {2007-SATNAC.pdf}, author = {Tucker, W. D. and Blake, E. H. and Marsden, G. and Pearson, M. and Westerveld, R.}, title = {Reflection on three years of rural wireless Internet Protocol communication research and fieldwork}, booktitle = {Proceedings South African Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference {(SATNAC)}}, pages = {452-457}, year = 2007, editor = {D. Browne}, address = {Mauritius}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10566/487} }
@inproceedings{2008-gruijters, mytype = {Other}, myurl = {2008-gruijters.pdf}, author = {Dominic Gruijters and Edwin H. Blake}, title = {Developing User Interfaces for Managing Bio-diversity and Human Resource Data in Nature Conservation}, booktitle = {Proceedings South African Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference {(SATNAC)}}, year = 2008, month = {September 7-10}, isbn = {978-0-620-41697-9} }
@inproceedings{2009-blake-sacla, mytype = {Other}, myurl = {2009-blake-sacla.pdf}, author = {Edwin Blake}, title = {Design doctorate in computing: a defence of "doing cool stuff"}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2009 Annual Conference of the Southern African Computer Lecturers' Association (SACLA 2009)}, pages = 110, year = 2009, organization = {Southern African Computer Lecturers' Association }, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1562741.1562756}, documenturl = {http://pubs.cs.uct.ac.za/archive/00000572/} }
@inproceedings{2010-digital-voice, mytype = {Other}, myurl = {2010-digital-voice.pdf}, documenturl = {http://pubs.cs.uct.ac.za/archive/00000626/}, author = {Gary Marsden and Ilda Ladeira and Thomas Reitmaier and Nicola J. Bidwell and Edwin Blake}, title = {Providing a Digital Voice for Storytellers in {A}frica}, booktitle = {Proceedings Computing and Culture}, pages = {101-131}, year = 2010, address = {Berlin, Germany} }
@inproceedings{2010-kapuire, mytype = {Other}, myurl = {2010-kapuire.pdf}, documenturl = {http://pubs.cs.uct.ac.za/archive/00000640/}, author = {Gereon Koch Kapuire and Heike Winschiers-Theophilus and Shilumbe Chivuno-Kuria and Nicola J Bidwell and Edwin Blake}, title = {A revolution in {ICT}, the last hope for {African} Rural Communities' technology appropriation}, booktitle = {IDIA2010: Proceedings of the 4th International IDIA Development Informatics Conference}, year = 2010, numpages = 8, publisher = {IDIA, Monash University }, month = {3-5 November}, location = {Cape Town, South Africa}, isbn = {978-0-620-47590-7} }
@inproceedings{2011-batman-compare, mytype = {Other}, myurl = {2011-batman-compare.pdf}, documenturl = {http://pubs.cs.uct.ac.za/archive/00000761/}, author = {Edmundo Chissungo and Edwin Blake and Hanh Le}, title = {Performance Comparison of BATMANd and BATMAN-adv}, booktitle = {SATNAC 2011: Southern African Telecommunication Network and Applications Conference}, pages = {250-251}, year = 2011, editor = {Dr Stefan Scriba}, address = {East London}, organization = {Telkom}, isbn = {9780620508933} }
@article{2014-interactions, mytype = {Other}, myurl = {2014-interactions.pdf}, author = {Blake, Edwin and Glaser, Meryl and Freudenthal, Adinda}, title = {Teaching Design for Development in Computer Science}, journal = {interactions}, issue_date = {March + April 2014}, volume = 21, number = 2, month = mar, year = 2014, issn = {1072-5520}, pages = {54--59}, numpages = 6, url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2576068}, doi = {10.1145/2576068}, acmid = 2576068, publisher = {ACM}, address = {New York, NY, USA} }
@article{2015-aarhus, mytype = {Other}, myurl = {2015-aarhus.pdf}, author = {Edwin Blake and Ineke B\"{u}skens and Andy Dearden}, title = {Researching for Change in a Globalising Asymmetric World}, journal = {Aarhus Series on Human Centered Computing}, year = 2015, volume = 1, number = 1, pages = {II:23-25}, note = {Critical Alternatives 2015: 5th Decennial Aarhus Conference}, doi = {10.7146/aahcc.v1i1.21392}, url = {http://ojs.statsbiblioteket.dk/index.php/ashcc/article/view/21392} }
@article{2015-gaz, mytype = {Other}, myurl = {2015-gaz.pdf}, documenturl = {http://pubs.cs.uct.ac.za/archive/00001056/}, author = {Edwin Blake and Melissa Densmore and Marion Walton}, title = {Gary {M}arsden's Legacy at the {University} of {Cape} {Town}}, journal = {Information Technologies \& International Development}, year = 2015, volume = 11, number = 4, pages = 43, url = {http://itidjournal.org/index.php/itid/article/view/1445/534} }
@inproceedings{2016-stanley-pdc, mytype = {Other}, myurl = {2016-stanley-pdc.pdf}, author = {Colin Stanley and Heike Winschiers-Theophilus and Edwin Blake and Kasper Rodil and Gereon Koch Kapuire and Donovan Maasz and Michael Chamunorwa}, title = {Formulating the obvious as a task request to the crowd: an interactive design experience across cultural and geographical boundaries}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 14th Participatory Design Conference: Short Papers, Interactive Exhibitions, Workshops}, year = 2016, volume = 2, pages = {86-87}, address = {Aarhus, Denmark}, isbn = {978-1-4503-4136-3}, doi = {10.1145/2948076.2948122}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/2948076.2948122} }
@inproceedings{2017-chisig, mytype = {Other}, myurl = {2017-chisig.pdf}, author = {Isaac Holeman and Edwin Blake and Melissa Densmore and Fiona Ssozi and Elizabeth Goodman and Indrani Medhi Thies and Susan Wyche}, title = {Co-Design Across Borders Special Interest Group}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2017 {CHI} Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems ({CHI} {EA} '17)}, year = 2017, month = {May 06 - 11}, address = {Denver, Colorado, USA}, publisher = {ACM}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3027063.3049288}, doi = {10.1145/3027063.3049288}, annote = {In recent years the evolving practice of co-design has continued to shift the roles of designers, researchers and the collection of partners formerly known as users. A growing community of researchers is pursuing this work "across borders." The greatly varied contexts of such work present distinctive challenges related to culture, power, language, etc. This SIG will convene co-design practitioners and researchers to discuss these challenges. Through attention to methods, tools and values in co-design, we will consider how co-design is traveling to new scenes around the world. We aim to form new relationships, develop themes of common interest, foster collaborations and build research infrastructure for this rapidly growing community.} }
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